An Interactive Multisensory Virtual Environment for Developmentally Disabled
Authors: Diaconu A, Vreme F, Sæderup H, Arnoldson HP, Stolc P, Brooks AL & Holte MB
In: Interactivity, Game Creation, Design, Learning, and Innovation. ArtsIT 2018, DLI 2018
Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering 2019; 265: 406-417
DOI Link: 10.1007/978-3-030-06134-0_44
This paper investigates the interaction of developmentally disabled adults with a mediated multisensory virtual reality experience within a familiar social context. This was done as part of an exploratory case study. To this end, a media technological artefact was derived from the Snoezelen concept, a multisensory environment for stimulation and relaxation. This system is comprised of an HTC Vive based virtual reality environment tailored to the specific requirements of the case and its stakeholders. Play sessions were conducted at Udviklingscenter Ribe, a residence and development centre for the disabled. After compiling passive and participant observations from the sessions, and interviews with key staff, a series of guidelines were proposed. These guidelines encapsulate the project’s concerns and overarching trends and provide a future basis of study when designing and developing an interactive multisensory virtual environment.